
Gloria, Owner & Event Coordinator

I believe there is magic in spaces. Whether it be in a sprawling forest, an intricate mansion or a bubbling swamp, you can always find it in the little crevices. In my lifetime, I have tried to foster magic where I could find it. I’ve found it in our little town of Ashfield. I’ve found it in the dimples of my children. And twenty years ago, I found it in the big gray house above the town fields, inhabited by a sweet old woman named Angela O’Donnell. 

I fell in love with the location, the sheer scale of the house, the apple trees in the backyard, but I really fell in love with the potential of the space—what I knew I could bring to it. So every day after I walked my daughters home from preschool, I would bring Angela baked goods and vegetables and chat with her about anything and everything. When Angela couldn’t manage to live on her own, she gave me her blessing and sold her beautiful home to us. Over the past twenty years I’ve done my best to pull the magic out of it—with new coats of paint and fairy trees and my mother’s paintings. I feel blessed that I can share the magic of my home and garden with people who want the most important moments of their lives to be beautiful and intimate.

photo by Lori Veilleux

Emma, Communications & Catering Manager

Emma loves to grow, harvest, cook, and eat food. She relishes any opportunity to share food with others, especially against the beautiful, varied backdrop of Gloria’s exquisite gardens.  In the past, she has worked on vegetable CSAs, urban farms, and landscaping crews. She has cooked for folk dancers, choral singers, Suzuki string players, high school students, and her three hungry children.  Shepherding you through the process of throwing an unforgettable party, from answering your initial inquiry to preparing your delicious seasonal feast, is the most fun job she’s had yet.


Beverly, Floral Designer & Grower

Beverly loves plants. She has been cultivating vegetables, flowers and fruits from which she feeds herself, family and friends for many years. The herbs and flowers she grows grace her home with seasonal bouquets, while many more find their way to the Curtis House, enhancing events and creating magical spaces. Beverly, a botanical painter and illustrator by trade, is thrilled to help develop the arrangements for the many events at Curtis House, especially when she gets to use blooms grown within her local community.

A Salmon Autumn, by Beverly Duncan.

A Salmon Autumn, by Beverly Duncan.


Clark, the pup

Weighing in at 140 pounds, Clark is Gloria’s 5th Great Dane puppy. He loves meeting new people and hanging out with the chickens.